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5 Books That Help Awaken My Creativity

Let's face it, life throws a lot of curveballs. Our daily routines often come face to face with challenges that put us in positions of doubt and frustration. Although scary, challenges are inevitable and shouldn't be feared. They make us stronger and wiser. But if you're like me, confronting everyday challenges sometimes results in loosing focus. I'm a relatively driven person, but I'm also pretty scatter-brained because I have so much on my mind. Thank goodness for lists (but these lists never seem to end, do they?).

To get back on track, I like to escape somewhere where I can be alone and catch a few breaths. Usually this ends up being the last two hours before bed. During these hours I like to refocus my energy on the things that matter to me most and remind myself of my long and short term goals. Aside from composing lists, which I do daily; reading actually helps me awaken my creativity and restore my purpose. These five titles are great reads if you're facing any doubts or frustrations with your life journey. 

1). Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth

2). Becoming by Michelle Obama 

3). The Universe Has Your Back: Transform Fear To Faith by Gabrielle Bernstein 

4). Unfu*k Yourself: Get Out Of Your Head and into Your Life by Gary John Bishop

5). Girl, Wash Your Face... by Rachel Hollis  


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