My Minimal Self-Care Routine That Makes Me Feel My Maximal Self

Taking care of yourself starts with a routine. And committing to a routine means committing to yourself. Because YOU run the show. A self care routine doesn't take much, just some effort (you're not the only one who'd rather just go straight to bed after a long day) and of course, consistency. The secret to never giving up? The respect that you have for yourself!
Now, my routine is pretty minimal because I'm that kind of girl who after a long day of work just wants to jump into the warm covers and sleeeeep. And in the early mornings, I'm half zombie. I depend on my sleep to stay sane and be able to do the things that I do everyday. It's definitely part of my self-care routine.
But aside from sleep, there are some other steps that I strive to maintain on a fairly consistent basis in order to feel my maximal self. Curious to know? Keep reading to find out.

One of my go-to solutions for self-care is a good mask. That's probably obvious. My favorite that I'm using right now is Summer Fridays, the Overtime mask. Nothing quite beats a refreshing mask to solve all our troubles, right? But actually, you really can't go wrong with a nice quick little facial because it helps us feel better and gives our skin what it needs to glow.

Another step in my minimal self-care routine is CC cream. Right now I'm using one from Clinique. When I get ready for work, I don't spend a whole lot of time applying makeup. But when I do, my routine is simple. I make sure I devote just enough to look like I still care - which in most cases consists of CC cream, bronzer and lipstick - and those products alone make me feel pretty.

Also, dry shampoo. I swear by this genius invention. Especially the one by Living Proof. Since dying my hair auburn-ish, I've been making serious efforts to extend my color's lifecycle. Doing so, I've been able to get away with setting appointments for every 6-7 weeks instead of 3-4 weeks. It helps me to save money on trips into the city and color treatments, as well as decreases the frequency of damage exerted on my hair. How do I do this? By lessoning the number of times a week that I wash my hair - especially during the winter...
Ok, some of you may be thinking "ew, gross" but with the help of dry shampoo, I've been nailing this challenge! Over-washing leads to over-drying. Nobody wants dull dry hair. For me, I've been able to get away with washing my hair just ONCE a week. Every person's hair is different so this is not a declaration of truth. Getting away with washing your hair once a week may not be for every one. But it all starts with experimenting, especially seasonally. Try to see how long you can go without looking unkept. Healthy hair is happy hair!

These are just a few of the many ways I incorporate self-care into my routine in order to feel my best self. What are some things you do that make you feel your maximal self? Let me know!