My Minimal Self-Care Routine That Makes Me Feel My Maximal Self
Taking care of yourself starts with a routine. And committing to a routine means committing to yourself.

Plant-Based Skincare Scientifically Proven To Replenish, Revitalize, and Rehydrate.
In today's blog post, I am happy to introduce Re:Beauty.

3 Weird Looking But Must-Have Beauty Instruments For 2018
I take my beauty instruments seriously. When I discovered these three beauty must-haves, I thought I uncovered the industry's secrets.

Get Through The Upcoming Winter With These 4 Simple Beauty Products
These four simple products help me thrive and survive, especially during the winter months.

Treat Yourself Tuesday: Sugar or Salt Body Scrubs?
Both sound amazing for a day of self care, right? But I've always wondered if one was better (healthier) for you than the other.

Makeup That Truly Works on Diverse Complexions
Learn more about my review on Sacha Cosmetics, the makeup brand for all women that started back in 1979.

Fashion Week Nails That You Can Easily Do At Home... With A Mascara Brush
One of the things on my fashion week prep list is nails. Nail art. Nail art. Nail art. So important.

Carrot Oil Is Exactly What Your Hair & Skin Need Going Into Fall
At first I thought, isn't carrot oil going to clog my pores? But believe it or not, carrot oil is super light and highly moisturizing.

More Wraps And Why It Works: An Honest Product Review
To me the best part about blogging is discovering more brands and trying out new products I've never tried before. So this was an exciti

The Best Products To Help Combat Under-Eye Puffiness
Swelling under the eyes is seriously dreadful. Especially when you feel totally fine, but what you see in the mirror suggests otherwise. Her